I’m sat in one of the hallways on my floor because a. the common room smells (we just had a clean out of our small communal fridge), b. my room is a mess, c. the floor study room is occupied by Hayden who loves to sing and d. level 1 is too far away, I’ve had a tough three-day week… kidding not kidding.
Writing about recent hall events should probably have been left for a day which isn’t April Fools, but here’s a recount anyway:
In the wee hours of April Fools, Jess and I were keeping hydrated while doing a bit of (last minute) assignment completion.
Suddenly the elevator dings and a bunch of peeps stream out and run around our common room, stealing helium-filled Patrick Star and putting chairs under our door handles and sprint back into the elevator– probably to ‘wreak havoc’ on another floor. Ha. Ha.
Getting back from my morning Chinese class, I hear there have been a few other little pranks. The first I saw was one of the RA’s cars covered in post-it notes (forgot to take a pic ugh) but later found out a few bathroom doors on various floors had been taken off the cubicles and placed in the stairwell. After thinking we were the lucky ones, we soon discovered that all our toilet doors had been locked… good thing we have Hayden who, in addition to liking to sing, also likes to climb and be in awkward and very uncomfortable positions above dodgy cubicle doors for the greater good. And me for having multi-tools for the rest.
Fresher Flu. It’s real.
It all began right after O week with a– “I think I’m sick,” and it was all downhill from there.
Wave one
The occasional growl and clearing of the throat. Seeing the pained faces of those trying to fight the urge to cough. Terrifying.
Wave two
A small collection of croaking zombies stumbling their way out of bed. A quick side-step from the healthy humans as they approached.
Wave three
Me. Sniffling. Twenty times a minute. And to think I was sitting there in the first week confident I wouldn’t get sick. I’d waddle down to meals trying my best not to sneeze or cough on any food. “SANITISE YOUR HANDS” the poster screamed as I scanned my I.D. and left with my hands smelling like ‘Crisp Apple.’
Wave four
We’ve all (pretty much) survived what was thought to be an inevitable death. The last few are crinkling their tissues as they bring them to their noses to blow out the sno… you get the picture.
So after the epidemic, all that were left were around eight of us…
…cause the rest went home for the Easter break 🙂 It was really chill not having a lot of people around. The lifts were faster, the laundry machines were always free and there was self-serve at brunch.
With a break of five days, it was typical I was telling myself, “I’ll be able to do so much study!” And as expected: nope. I didn’t manage to do much study at all until the last day, but it was alright because it was filled with watching heaps of Easter appropriate films including American Psycho, Pulp Fiction, and The Departed.
I just left my mattress in the common room for a few of that days because I was too lazy to take it back to my room after each film and no one was here. I was having a great time sleeping until I was woken up by another floor playing SingStar at 2.43am. That’s what I get for being lazy, I guess. But, it also meant I was forced to get up early when I started to hear the elevator dinging.

Here’s a pic from my adventures in the common room when I woke up and thought “I need to take pictures for the blog!”
There’s so much more about the hall that I want to share in the near future so that’s in the line-up and course-related spiels will be in soon! Stay tuned.
– Bryan