The last two weeks have been hectic. I feel like I haven’t had a moment to breathe, and I won’t have a moment to breathe until I successfully get through tomorrow! In honour of my last post where I explained how a little bit of a “why not” attitude can be beneficial, I decided to do something in the spirit of “why not?”. Mooting. Here I was thinking it’s going to be a debate (something I like to think I’m good at) and it turns out to be a case study with a written and an oral submission. The really fun part? Dressing up like we’re going to court (lol). Anyway, we just finished, and it was actually so much fun! I really enjoyed myself. As a result, the dream team (my best friend and I) are going to join the mooting society next year.

After the moot
Our results for the law test came back, I have a bit to work on. But my grades are at the better end of the spectrum, which is always a good thing! I have handed so many assignments in within the last two weeks that I feel like all I’ve been doing is drinking coffee at my desk and struggling to produce art *rolls eyes*.
The good news: The run of A’s is strong this semester! We have not stepped out of range woop woop! A’s get the baes!
If all the assignments due weren’t enough, I’m always getting called into the office! Today I had to go out of my way just to pick up a swipe card since I’ll be the first person there tomorrow morning. Yes, that means an extra early morning for me tomorrow, with work still to complete tonight!

Teaching, teaching, teaching
But besides assignments and work, I had the opportunity to catch up with one of my friends! Needless to say, we got carried away as per usual and our bank accounts are suffering as a result of this.

I hate being an adult. They give you a “jug”, charge you $30, and it’s actually the size of a small glass.
Recently, I brought tickets to the festival ‘One Love’ which is next year on Waitangi weekend. I’m looking forward to it. And honestly, I don’t see why I shouldn’t treat myself. This has been my first year at university and so far I have not only survived, but thrived! If you can’t tell by my writing, I’m quite happy, despite being so busy.

Miss Clawdy’s on the Viaduct
Do you want to know why? One of those things that only seem to happen in other peoples recounts of university… happened… My best friend fell in love… with someone at university. It was genuinely the perfect story and I think I’m more excited than she is to see where it all goes haha.
Another exciting note: I’m writing a paper on Beyonce’s album ‘Lemonade’. Can you say superfan? I’m genuinely so pumped to sink my teeth into this essay – I hope it’ll be incredible.
With so much going on I’m really thankful for a good attitude. I’ve been feeling happy lately (and not as a result of alcohol consumption lol), but just because I’ve adopted a more forgiving and a more thankful mindset.
Also, i learnt that thunder actually comes after lightning! Thunder is the sound of the air collapsing back on itself after it has been heated x100 by a lightning strike – which I thought was cool.
Yours happily,