What are some unexpected items you need in the hostel?
Amy – Unlike Sam, I didn’t come from boarding school so I just kinda turned up and hoped what I brought was what I needed. What I suggest you bring is all types of stationery like permanent markers, scissors, cello-tape, blu-tack and pins, two sets of sheets and towels (for when you get lazy and can’t be bothered doing washing). I’ve found book holders really handy, a big washing basket (once again you will be too lazy to do washing so the bigger the better), storage baskets so your shelves look tidy, a lamp and a first aid kit. If you do forget/need anything, it’s super easy to go out and buy it so don’t be concerned.
Sam – Hmm unexpected, coming from boarding school I had a pretty good idea of what I needed. But items I did have to get included a washing rack, decent bag to carry my books, cutlery and microwavable bowls, cold and flu pills and lots of them, vitamins oh and a comfy blanket and slippers

Is it easy to change courses?
Amy – I haven’t had to go through this but if you check out Rory’s latest post he talks about this!
Sam – Surprisingly, yes. It is all online and there are step by step instructions. If you’re worried about it, making an appointment with student services is your best bet and they’ll talk you through it all
Are the lecturers intimidating?
Amy – I feel like this all depends on the lecturer you have. Most lecturers I have had are very approachable and encourage you to come up and talk to them after lectures or during office hours if you need help.
Sam – To be honest, I never really went to office hours last semester because I didn’t feel the need. But no, from what I can see, they aren’t scary at all and hey genuinely just want to help. If in doubt, email them or your tutors. Emailing is always less scary

Is it difficult to settle in?
Amy – I am the type of person who gets very homesick and would do anything to just go home when I was away so I was definitely scared that this would happen when I started University. However, although the first week in a hall felt like a school camp, once lectures started I began to get in a routine and settled in really quickly. I recommend decorating your room asap so it begins to feel like home.
Sam – Not at all. I felt right at home and I can’t imagine living or studying anywhere different. Just remember to make your room a happy place where you want to spend time, and spend as much time in O week with others as possible so you have people to talk to later on.

What do you miss most about home?
Amy – the obvious one is family and friends, but definitely knowing where everything is, where the best food places are and how quick it is to get everywhere.
Sam – I miss my family, my big bed and the ability to cook and eat really good food, especially when I have the choice of what to eat.

Remember to make the most of your last few weeks at High School as this is time you will never get back