Hi everyone! My name is Tiana Tuialii and I’ll be doing a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws during my time at The University of Auckland. Studying at the UoA won’t be too much of a step out of my comfort zone, as I’ve lived 10 minutes outside of the CBD my whole life. Not only does this make me the best food critic and tour guide, but it means I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of familiar faces! Besides being a full time nerd, I’m also a full-time competitor – with hockey being my pick for the last couple of years. My own sport and study aside I’m an avid rugby union supporter and fitness enthusiast (that person who smiles too much at the gym? Yeah, that’s me) and I like to consider myself the clown (mockery genius, wit guru – whatever you wanna call it).
Hey guys, my name’s Emily, and I’ll be leaving my hometown of Christchurch, the beloved Garden City, and shifting into Whitaker Hall to study a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Psychology at the University of Auckland.
My hockey goalie bag will be taking up a lot of space in my room, as I love playing hockey and am hoping to grab a place on an Auckland Uni team. I also love singing, dancing and acting, whether it be onstage or in the privacy of my own room. I am an avid reader of all books; fantasy, sci-fi, non-fiction, it doesn’t matter, I love a good read. I’m a total foodie and I love a good Zumba workout.
I’ll be documenting my journey through the first year of university, hopefully shedding some light on what living in Auckland is like, the reality of lectures, labs and the workload expected of you, along with other things, and I’ll even drop in some tidbits of advice along the way!
Anyway, I’m thoroughly looking forward to the journey ahead of me. There will be ups and there will be downs, but that’s all part of the experience, right? So bring on 2016!

Hiya! My name is Grace Wood and I am one of the lucky InsideWord Bloggers for 2016. This year I will be studying a Bachelor of Engineering conjoint with Science. Despite my desire for independence and maturity, I have found it will be more economical to live at home in Auckland (thanks mum) at least for the first year. Some things you should know about me…. I’m a wannabe electronic pop songwriter, I love my cat way too much, and my favourite place is One Tree Hill (I run there every day). I’m obsessed with op-shopping, random little cafes and Harry Potter. In my spare time I like to wear bright clothing, paint, play tennis, take the bus and eat icecream. Oh and did I mention I’m really looking forward to this year and being part of the blog team!
Kia ora all, I’m Anneke, that is, pronounced like the arnica cream you rub on bruises. I’m half dutch but can speak Māori. Born and bred in rural Hawkes Bay, I’m ready to trade in my gumboots for the city life at University Hall. As a student studying Biomedical Science with strong ambitions for Medicine (not unlike every other Biomedder), I am set for a year of hard work and loooots of studying. However I’m sure the odd study break will be in order to explore new places, do new things and meet new people. Other than this my procrastination will likely involve drinking….coffee (I am seriously addicted), eating, dancing, writing letters to my grandma, crushing candy (another serious addiction), playing football and cricket, jamming and generally being random. So join me on what is bound to be quite the journey which I will endeavour to write about using minimal brackets (no promises though).

Hi guys, I am Evangeline. I come from Waipapakauri-ever heard of ninety mile beach?! Well that’s five minutes from my house. I am a twin who recently graduated from Kaitaia College (the most Northern College in New Zealand), where I was Head Girl.
This year I will be studying First Year Health Science aiming towards Medicine. I will be living the University Hall life (which I hear is a good life to live). In all honesty I have a lot of hobbies but my favorite would have to be-exploring beaches and the outdoors, football, sports in general and learning new things.
I’m so excited for all of the adventures 2016 will bring forth- from living in the big city and attempting to study hard, to doing my own washing for the first time! If you want my opinion on what not to do, first year tips and an insight into Uni life then feel free to join me on what I hope will be an unforgettable journey.
PS: I promise to try my best to answer any questions J J
Hello everyone! Bryan here. I’ll be giving you a glimpse into the extravagant, care-free and wondrously cruisy lifestyle of being a first year student in Auckland. A conjoint Law and Arts programme is what I’ve got lined up. I’m from the coolest (windiest??) little capital in the world, good ol’ Wellington. University Hall will be my home for the first year and you can trust that I’ll be spilling all the goss on hall life, especially how it compares to a household of three in the quiet suburbs.
Bit of a media and film buff– though, I do admit I’ve never seen any Star Wars films (I’m imagining a ‘?!?!’ from your facial expressions… sorry). I love to exercise and play sport, especially basketball, netball and volleyball. One of the biggest struggles has been deciding what of my wardrobe to bring up as I love clothes and fashion-y things. Acting, singing and dancing are also big on my list.
That’s a quick spiel about me– I’ll catch you around as I blog about my life as a ‘fresher!’

Yi Xin
Hey there, I’m Yi Xin. I’m a Singaporean, vegetarian and proud of it. I’ll be studying Bachelor of Social Work because I want to learn more about the social sector in New Zealand. I hope to write with my heart and be authentic on this blog, about both my hopes and fears. Hopefully we’ll be able to connect in that way. I’m an introvert, so I’m naturally concerned about making new friends though I’m sure Whitaker Hall will be a place where strong friendships will be forged. I love solitude in nature, though tramping, kayaking and cycling with friends sound good as well! My most cherished moments would be the times when I curl up in bed to read The Alchemist, or any book that makes me contemplate about the world. I love being in awe of nature too, like gazing at the sea or the sunset. I love to smile at people and hear their stories.
Greetings! I’m Anthony, aged 18 and fresh out of school. It is my privilege to be a blogger for The Inside Word in 2016. This year I’m making the migration from my native Christchurch to Auckland’s University Hall, where I’m staying as I tackle a conjoint Arts/Music degree. I plan to major in English, History and Composition. I have a deep and abiding love for all three of these disciplines, and it would be my dream to pursue them together in a career. For the moment, though, my thoughts are occupied firmly with the present: I am both nervous and excited about this new stage in my life. Sometimes, when I think of the coming year and what it will bring, I become so energised I do a little somersault – at least I would do if I were gifted with the necessary athleticism. Much of my free time is spent thinking about Doctor Who, and I’m also big on reading, sleep, and classical music. Join me, if you will, as I navigate first-year student life in this unfamiliar city.

Kia Ora, I’m Awhina Conway a school leaver of Napier Girls’ Highschool and I’ve made the drastic decision to move up the ditch to gain a Bachelors in Property! During my stay I’ll be living with my Nan close by, taking advantage of all her great kai and even better company. I enjoy Waka ama, netball, lots of sun and most of all spending time with my family and friends. I expect this year to open up new pathways and opportunities to meet new people, learn new things and perhaps challenge myself to come out of my comfort zone. I’m excited to start this new chapter in the city, and experience the uni lifestyle. So watch out Auckland, Awhi’s on her way.
I’d finally just found comfort in being the pakeha looking girl at an all Maori girls’ boarding school, stuck in the middle of nowhere for the past FIVE YEARS and now I’ve been thrown, okay I’ve kinda jumped, in to the deep end! My name is Ella Lyon and I am on a mission to pursue my dream of being the first Maori Women Prime Minister of Aotearoa. With a passion for kapa haka, an interest in too many sports, a dream of politics and a hate for reading I’m taking on the challenge of a conjoint Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws while trying to maintain sanity. While boarding in a hostel is no new experience for me living in Auckland City is definitely exceeding my comfort zone so I’m praying Grafton Halls of Residence will take exceptional care of me. So as I prepare to wave goodbye to my fridge I visit for food every five minutes and say hello to the books, the reading and the REALITY of being a student I remind myself it’s not really goodbye it’s really only “see you next holidays“.

Malo e lelei, Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, Bula, Konichiwa, and warm greetings to all! I’m ‘Aisake and I’ll be embarking on my first year of University life! As expected I’m full of nerves and anticipation at the next chapter of this thing we call life. Through this blog I aim to give you a small insight into life as a first year university student. However I assure it’ll be an enjoyable and very rewarding year filled with new experiences and challenges. I am very eager to meet a whole lot of new people, join the various groups on campus, as we set out on this journey together.
A recent graduate of Mount Roskill Grammar School, I endeavor to study a Bachelors of Commerce and Property. Although studying, going to lectures, tutorials, workshops etc. will be a large part of university life. Outside of studying I enjoy hanging with friends, eating and trying new foods, food is life! I also enjoy music and rugby.
I can’t wait to start my journey through the UoA and to begin sharing my insider’s perspective with you all!
Bula (hello) errrrybody my name is Ratu Yavala Uliqalau Wye. Sorry for the early tongue twister but you can blame my mum and dad for that. I’ll be studying towards a Bachelors in Engineering(Hons) here at the University of Auckland. I am a proud Fijian, I was born there but have been living in Auckland most my life and will be living it up at Whitaker Hall for 2016. I look forward to meeting plenty of awesome new faces and sharing my experiences with you all. Apart from study I am a sport fanatic, I like to “ball up”, “break a few ankles” both on the court and on the field and “Dab on em folks”. Phrases that you will soon come to learn as you journey with me through what I know is going to be an EPIC!! year. And as someone who was a village boy, barely able to string a sentence of English together, living in the heart of Auckland city is going to be a totally contrasting lifestyle. One though that I am happy to embrace and share with you all.