Burnout and stress at uni
It’s that time of the semester again. Currently, classes have ended for the semester. It’s a relief to finally be done – but there are still exams looming in the not-too-far future, and lab reports are still due. For me, this semester has been one that has...
Summer Research Scholarships – the what, the why, and the how
For most programmes at the university, summer break runs from around mid November to mid February. In 2022–2023, I chose to complete a Summer Research Scholarship with the university under the faculty of medical and health sciences during summer break - and those...
UoA City Campus Tour. Vlog
Come and tour the University of Auckland's City Campus!
A day in the life of a UOA student. Vlog
Hi, welcome to a day in my life as a first-year commerce student living in halls. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek of what a day looks like and feel free to leave any comments or questions down below! https://youtu.be/nJTZ17IZuwE
Support available for dyslexia and other learning disabilities at UoA. Vlog
Hey everyone, Here is a video I have been planning on creating for a while for you. My main purpose is to encourage anyone who needs extra support to not feel ashamed and to go and apply for it. The thing with being at university is if you want help, you need to...
Top 5 tips for starting university! Vlog
Hey guys, So it's October which means it may not be too long till you start studying at The University of Auckland. I remember this was a time full of nerves and excitement. I have compiled the top 5 things I wish I knew when starting uni in the video below for...
Exam Day. Vlog
Hey there, So I thought it could be useful for you to see what it is like the day of an exam at university, so you know what to expect. In this vlog, I show my day and how I get ready to sit my marketing exam. I am also dyslexic, and that is why you will see in...
The best study spots on campus! Vlog
Hey there, My name is Olivia Hubber, and I am a second-year commerce and arts student. Last year, I produced content for The Inside Word, and I am so grateful to be back again this year. I feel that I have learned so much already, and I still have heaps to learn,...
That’s a wrap of 2020. Vlog
Hey all, hope everyone is doing well! This is my last vlog for 2020, it has been such an awesome and crazy year. I have made so many friends and learnt so much. I hope that if you are reading this and have seen my videos, they have inspired you to come to UOA....
Conjoints – an update. Vlog
Planning on studying Engineering, Law, or Medicine…? Vlog
Hey guys, I realised that it would be much more interesting filming myself completing a puzzle, than me talking, so enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhBXD1d07YE&feature=youtu.be Disclaimer: as always, don't take my word for it, seek academic...
Day in the life of an online uni student. Vlog
Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. I remember back to when I was in high school, I wanted to understand a bit about what uni life was like. So today I have made a video of what online uni is currently like for me. I hope you enjoy the video...
Move in day – Waipārūrū Hall. Vlog
This vlog is of me moving from Christchurch to Auckland to start my degree. It shows me moving into the new Waipārūrū hall and me getting settled in a new city.
A Guide to Exams
Studying is one of my least favourite things to do at university, however during this wonderful time period of exams we are in, it’s a must. It is time consuming, can be boring, stressful and a source of comparison to others. I have always found that the way I...
Favourites, University of Auckland edition!
Hello Hello! A bit of a light hearted post today, I’ll be sharing with you all my ‘favourite’ things, UoA edition! Favourite study spot: I’d like to say picnicking at Albert Park because that would be a great pun to start off this post. Unfortunately, my actual...