Accommodation Blogs
The best of Waipārūrū food: a gallery
Hi readers! Kerryn back with another blog post to bedazzle your senses. Again I’ve decided to mix things up a bit! Rather than present you with big blocks of text that you’ll probably skim through (be honest!), I want to tantalise your senses with my curated...
How to get out of a winter funk when living in halls
Hello, hello and happy August, everyone! My name is Amy, and I am a second-year student living at Carlaw Park Student Village. Winter has never been my favourite season, and I feel that cloudy skies, gloomy weather, cold, cold wind, and neverending rain bring about...
The Dos and Don’ts of Hall Life
After a semester as a resident of Waiparuru Hall, personal experience and observation have taught me that the ‘dos’ are just as important as the ‘don’ts’ when it comes to day-to-day hall living. So let’s get into them! Do set an early timer for your laundry...
Hall President Chronicles
Hey everyone, Kerryn back for another blog post! As the semester draws to an end, I’d like to chronicle my experience campaigning for Hall President at Waipārūrū Hall. I must say, it was a rollercoaster of a ride and… anyway, no more spoilers! July 2022 It all...
Check out my Carlaw Park Stanley move in vlog!
An RA’s Guide to First Year Halls
Find your fit with Tim, your local, not-so local student and Resident Advisor at Waipārūrū! Get a gist of the vibes at each hall and see where you might like to live when you arrive.
Moving into Accommodation: Carlaw Park Student Village
So I’m sure some of you may have a certain expectation about what moving into University accommodation would be like… but even if you don’t, that’s okay! My blog today is to share about my experience moving into Carlaw Park Student Village in 2023! ...
Your Guide to O Week (17 Year Old Edition)
Do you remember those kids in primary school who were on the ‘cusp'?; born in the May-July bracket they skipped a year in primary and became the babies of the cohort? Well, I was one of those kids. Like many others born in 2003, last year I started university when...
An “everything” guide to University Hall – Towers (UHT). Vlog
As the time for choosing a first-year hall of residence is now here, I thought this would be the perfect time to share my wisdom and input. This time last year, I spent hours researching every hall Auckland university had to offer. Almost deadset on Waiparuru Hall...
7 pictures from my 7 most memorable days at UoA (First Year Edition)
I have yet to experience a crazier time in my life than first year uni. The fresher experience is hectic to say the least and expressing that time coherently is a difficult task. But as the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words, so I thought what better...
The Ultimate Bucket List for Freshers
If you have read any of my other posts, you may have picked up that I am a HUGE fan of lists. So, with semester 2 well underway, I thought what better time than now to compile a bucket list of fresher activities for all my first-year readers. Get plagued by...
University Hall – Towers room tour. Vlog
Hey guys, here is a room tour for University Hall - Towers at UoA! Hope you enjoy!
Grafton Hall – A glimpse into life across the bridge
Grafton Hall is a mystery to most, hidden away in the suburbs, it's hard to find unless you know where to look. But, in my unbiased opinion, moving there will be a decision you make and won’t regret. So, without any more fluff, let me offer you a glimpse into life across the bridge!
A day in the life of a UOA student. Vlog
Hi, welcome to a day in my life as a first-year commerce student living in halls. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek of what a day looks like and feel free to leave any comments or questions down below! https://youtu.be/nJTZ17IZuwE
New Year, New Room, New Flat – What To Take?
Whether you are starting summer school or Semester One awaits next February, a return to Auckland brings in the universal student experience (unless you have been studying offshore) – moving into a new place. I remember before moving into halls I received a list of...