Medical & Health Sciences
Day in the life of a Pre-med/Biomed student
Kia Ora everyone!
Biomed: The Things You Should Know (Part 3 of 3)
Just like that, we’ve come to the final article in our series! This piece rounds up the last few concepts I’d like to discuss, and also gives you a few bonus tips that I hope will address some widely held misconceptions. Sleep>>>>>everything else...
Biomed: The Things You Should Know (Part 2 of 3)
Welcome to the second instalment of things you should know before embarking on your journey through Biomed. This article delves into 4 points that I hope will leave you with a solid game plan you can build on as the year goes on. Let’s get started! Play it smart ...
Biomed: The Things You Should Know (Part 1 of 3)
This is the first in a series of 3 articles where I, a Biomed survivor, will share with you the things I wish I had known at the beginning of this year. This article centres around 3 points that I hope will help set the scene for you to enter the mystical realm of...
My First Day of Freedom as a Biomed Student
Well, I thought this day would never come...
4 Reasons I Chose to Become a Doctor + GOODBYE.
Many thanks for joining me in 2023! It’s been my pleasure to be a blogger on The Inside Word and I hope you all have found my content somewhat useful (especially you tiny baby aspiring doctors 😁). This is possibly my last blog for The Inside Word - here I share...
Balancing Study and Work as a First-year Biomedical Sciences Student
“Is it possible to work while doing first-year Biomed?” Kia ora koutou, my name is Nasywa, and one of the most common advice/suggestions I heard about doing first-year Biomedical Sciences is that studying should be your number one priority. Even as I sat down in...
Dating at University ❤️
You’re now at University. Amazing. It’s an opportunity to have a good time for 3, 4, 5 years. You will come across lots of great people with similar mindsets and interests, develop lifelong friendships, and some of you will meet the love of your life, and even...
Complete guide on entering medical school at the University of Auckland
I have cut the fat and gone straight to the meat to outline all you need to know for entering medical school at the University of Auckland. Read until the end. Overview of the three entry pathways: First year Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) - BioMed First...
Burnout and stress at uni
It’s that time of the semester again. Currently, classes have ended for the semester. It’s a relief to finally be done – but there are still exams looming in the not-too-far future, and lab reports are still due. For me, this semester has been one that has...
Biomedical Science: First-year Expectations vs. Reality
Kia Ora everyone, My name is Nasywa, and I am a first-year BSc majoring in Biomedical science student at the Waipapa Taumata Rau (The University of Auckland), taking the pre-med route with the initial hope of getting into clinical in my second year. In this blog,...
Getting sick/injured as a student during clinical placements
I got a brain injury. Happened on a Thursday night. Got sent to the ED and was told that I have a concussion and needed to take time off ‘work’, or in my case, time off on hospital placements. As soon as I start using my brain, it hurts. Unlike a common cold, it’s...
Active relaxation as a busy medical student
Do we med students have a pulse? We often have a pressure to be all about medicine. Indeed, it is really life-consuming and it takes lots of time and work if you want to be a good Doctor. While this career is all great and mighty, we often go the extra mile to...
First taste of clinical medicine in medical school
Hi there, I'm Harry and welcome to my first blog for The Inside Word! I’m in the 4th year of my medical degree now (aka 2/3s of a Doctor hehe) and I spend 35-40 hours every week at the hospital. But looking back on 2nd and 3rd year – the pre-clinical years, they...
Key highlights from my science degree
It’s that time of semester where it seems like everything is happening, all at once - assignments are due, tests are on the horizon, and there’s just so much to be done. While there’s no doubt uni is stressful, there are many positives to think about – and they...