Wats up lads and ladettes!
As you may have guessed from the title uni has been all work work work and is now definitely in full swing. Each new day a new concept to be learned. I’ve had weekly assessments worth 1.5% of my grades, peer assessments worth 1% and been introduced to upcoming tests and projects. Annnddd…….On top of this the desperate attempts to not lag behind in class.ugghhhh 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
The Workload involved in studying engineering is starting to take its toll also.
Bags are starting to form under my eyes, my mind aimlessly starts to drift away during lectures aghast by the work often on the immaculate looks of Selena Gomez😍😍😍 and I will often find myself distracted by the new basketball game on Facebook. one minute……..20 points not to shabby.#cheesy
Despite this there is an abundance of help that is offered. Tuakana tutorials, usual tutorials for each course, and the part 1 assistance centre which runs from 2-5 mon-friday. Sooooo that if you are anything like me and get totally stressed out to the point where you just spend hours on FB, and stalking Instagram profiles hoping the work would just disappear then this may take a little stress away. 3rd years told me to utilize all this help and so I pass this same advice to you guys👊
However my life hasn’t just been consumed by study thankfully, I’ve been making the most of the Auckland Uni gym which is free to anyone who stays at the halls of residents and I’ve also been training with the University of Auckland rugby club. Personally I love physical exercise. I mean with all this study I like to balance things out with some exercising such as rugby or a bit of b ball after lectures. 

So yeah that’s wats been going down.Pretty thankful for the easterbeak as well. Nothing to exciting… Ohh yeah that’s right we’ve also had inter resident volleyball and Waka Ama competitions. It was pretty awesome. Now I didn’t take part but I did however get behind the wolf pack “ARH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”
Anndd lastly to just clarify the courses im taking this semester are Engineering mechanics, Engineering biology and chemistry, mathematical modelling, and my general paper which is “how people learn” so yeah if you guys have any questions please feel free to ask. It doesnt even have to be about engineering, could be about how uni life is, or girls(lads im telling you there are plenty fish in the sea if ya know wat i mean *cough* *eyebrow wink* ). Swwwweeeet I will see you guys later. Adios
very cool articles!