I am currently sitting in my living room 5 hours out of Auckland. I can hear the waves crashing and once again I can see the stars. At the moment I am making the most of my mid semester break.
The final weeks leading up to now were-( to put it lightly)- stressful. I am low-key what you would call a perfectionist or somebody who stresses (depending on how you want to look at it) and if something isn’t going right I tend to think about it until I can find a solution. It turns out that University is really not the place for this mindset. So for me one of the hardest things about University has been trying to handle each task as it comes.
For example, If I looked at my week in total I could think about having two prelabs, two labs, two post labs, a best choice chemistry module, a mastering a&p biosci module, a essay to plan, a two hour biosci exam and a chemistry exam to complete. Instead what I find works a lot better is only worrying about the day ahead. On Monday I will try to think that today I want to have completed my Chemistry prelab, my best choice Chemistry module and gone over the first two sections of Biosci. The amount of work stays the same but by breaking it down it looks possible to complete (although there are times I wonder thanks to Biosci107). For me personally I like breaking my day into do lists with time frames, and if you happen to be someone who wasn’t born with the gene for “chilling out” and “going with the flow” I strongly recommend this method.
So now the very stressful weeks of study and exams are over we have been given one week of grace. I know I know, one week is not long to rejuvenate but it is great to be home and get a break before the new information kicks off.
I finished my last exam which was Chemistry on Thursday evening and although I did have classes on Friday I decided to not go and catch up on them later (highly not recommended) and have been on holiday ever since.
So far I have been up to all sorts of antics and adventures. During my few days off in Auckland my best friend came and visited me from Christchurch, we explored Queenstreet, went to Kelly Tarltons aquarium (I love stingrays & turtles), went to Mission Bay, went to Piha Beach, finally tried out Sals pizza (they are huge), went to see Allegiant (huge disappointment but it was so terrible it actually turned into one of the funniest movies I have seen, I don’t think the director has even actually read the book). And this was all done on Friday and Saturday.

Piha beach
On Sunday morning I made the five hours long journey North to my home. It is great to be home and most of it so far has been spent at the beach rejuvenating. Its crazy how nice the weather is up here compared to Auckland which is mainly grey (sorry), and the fact that I have been swimming everyday. Today I spent 6 hours walking over sand-dunes which has left me slightly burnt and tired. Tomorrow I intend to start watching all of my lectures that I missed during the last two weeks when I was studying for exams, the joy..