Since I’ve been here, I’ve heard the terms, “Fresher Flu” and “Fresher Five” thrown around– even “Fresher Fifteen.” The flu has (kinda) already hit earlier in the semester and I’m starting to notice the Fresher Five creeping up on me. Let’s hope it doesn’t make it to fifteen!
We’re just out of the mid-semester ‘break’… I say ‘break’ because I didn’t go home and it was really an extended week of catching up with work with a few fun times thrown in. Now we’re moving into the final weeks of lectures and classes (all of which I have yet to talk about but, eh, it’ll happen when I’m reflecting on the semester in the darkness of a winter’s night back in Wellington and missing all the brain-stimulating-ness), and it’s a bit of a mad dash with tests and assignments left, right and centre. I don’t quite have 99 problems, but the workload is definitely one.
I’ve attempted to fix this by trying to run my problems away. Not only that but also run off the 2/5kg of this Fresher Five I’ve somehow?!?! gained since being here…
Here is a documentation of my runs in photos because during all of them, I remembered I had to always be taking photos to keep the eyes of my (much beloved) blog audience.
But really:
1. They were a great opportunity to allow me to breathe properly before I doubled over and started to sob at the new found discovery that is my ‘fitness.’
2. I got lost a few times, especially in Parnell so at least the Aucklanders on the floor could tell me where I was lost.
3. I’m trying to convince myself that running can be a thing for me but that is still yet to hit me.
4. I needed to breathe again.
5. I had to catch my breath.

Kicking a run off on a crisp morning through the Auckland Domain. A *typical* photo of the Auckland Museum here.

Made my way to Parnell where I got incredibly lost around the suburban streets and didn’t think to check google maps…
Whoops! I was trying really hard not to slip on the moss-stained stairs but that clearly didn’t go too well.

Found my way to Parnell Pools, apparently. I must say, I was incredibly lost and far from where I would have liked to be but it was a cool sight for sure. I was so hot at this point I felt like diving in– but then again I’m not the best swimmer so…
Cheeky selfie or accidental Snapchat when you haven’t flipped the camera around?
…yeah, I think the latter…

The beautiful sight of the pathway that will lead me home 🙂 Which was perfect timing as I’m pretty sure those clouds exploded shortly after, scattering Auckland with strange pellets of water.
Here are a few notable photos that require a mention on the adventures of my other runs:

The Asian Supermarket! I’m not being paid by them to promo, I promise. I looooove avocado and it’s one of the cheapest places to get some to avoid paying $3.50 for ONE at Countdown.
Silo Park is a stunner. I generally make this my destination before I turn back around. Makes it a healthy 5-6km.

You can’t really get better than a run during sunset, especially knowing that when you get back, there is already a meal waiting for ya! (Despite the general qualms of hall food.)
Though I’ve already napped for a total of about four hours today, I think it is now a good time to get some sleep! It’s 2.03am. Don’t worry, my sleeping schedule isn’t usually that bad. Only since being here at uni…
Kinda kidding but then again, not really. The charms of student life, eh?
– Bryan
Shout out for the recommendation where to find avocados that don’t cost you an arm and a leg
Hah! Might’ve spoken too soon– went the other day and they were $5 each 🙁