Once exams finished, I began the search for some new activities to fill my time with.

The first thing I did when I got home from my last exam was start watching the television series Friends. After my long term relationship with the television series How I Met Your Mother ended earlier this year, I have been searching for a light hearted sit-com to brighten my mood in times of stress. I tried watching Parks and Recreation, but the humour wasn’t right for me, as well as Scrubs, but the characters were less relatable. I tried desperately hard not to become a Friends fan, despite many of my friends telling me it was a must see and well worth the watch. To my dismay, I’ve loved every moment of it so far. The series is full of unique moments and hilarious reverse comedy. On that note I would highly recommend it as a television series to anyone who needs something to fill a void.16q95r

The holidays are a great time to be out and about and not watching lectures. For me this consisted of  a semi-competitive double date at the bowling alley. Initially i was super excited about going because I hadn’t been in ages, and it was something I really enjoyed as a kid. It was only when we arrived at the bowling alley that I remembered the crucial fact: I am actually really really bad at bowling. As a child I always used to play with the gutters up, but this was deemed unacceptable now that I am an “adult”. Grand total of around 15 gutter balls and several sad faces. Thankfully my date was much better than me, and so we didn’t do so badly as a team. But I started enjoying it a lot more on the second round once i worked out how to throw the ball straight. 😛


The second television show that I started watching was MKR (My Kitchen Rules) Australia. Sounds like trashy television but it’s been inspiring me to cook. I am living at home this year and so cooking for myself has not been on my mind; however I would like to learn recipes of food from other cultures so that I am prepared for flatting in years to come. Watching MKR has made me better appreciate the work that goes in to creating a meal for multiple people (Thanks Mum and Dad!).

Although these activities have been a lot of fun, the best part of my holiday has been spent catching up with friends, especially those from my old school. I feel very thankful to have an awesome bunch of amigos who look out for me and have my best interests at heart. <3 I have also made some lovely new friends over the holidays who have brought new insights into my life. It’s amazing the diverse personalities out there and I am grateful for these differences as they bring colour to my life. Here’s to good television, good company, and average bowling abilities.

-Grace 🙂