Hey everyone, yes it’s me again haha!

If you’re wondering what the title of my blog could possibly be about then, strap yourselves in, as I attempt to somewhat try to justify myself. So over the past couple of years, ever since I was about 16 rather, my parents, mates , peers anyone whom I came into contact with, had urged me to start learning the road code and get my license. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it, however now only a couple of months away from my 19th birthday and with my younger brother also a couple of months from his 16th birthday, he has started talking about getting his license. However I don’t know if this is simply brother rivalry, but I just can’t imagine him getting his license before me or having to ask him to drive me places!! Also for your interest, I haven’t driven anywhere, my driving capabilities are limited to the driveway of the house! However over the 3 year period since I turned 16, I have become part of a relatively small minority of teenagers who haven’t got any kind of driver’s license. It has become an oddity, especially at my age, not to at least have your learners?

Slowly but surely my mates, one by one all got their licenses and now occasionally drive me from time to time. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t a rant, even if it may sound like it, but it was just out of idle curiosity and probably boredom since I’ve been back in NZ, about people’s stories, getting their licenses, sitting the theory and practical tests, or stories of those who are like me, and haven’t done anything and are still dependent on others or public transport lol.

A normal conversation would start something like “could you drive my car?”

In turn I’d reply “I can’t I don’t have a license”

Then they’d be a real awkward pause and an exchange of weird facial expressions, until the other person will blurt out “You’re how old?”

So why blog about this? Well I had told myself that I would start learning the road code over the inter-semester break, well learning the road code sounded alot like study, which was the last thing I wanted after avoiding it during the semester, and evidently feeling guilty, so where am I now? Well no where tbh! I still haven’t learnt anything and am still getting nagged by my mates especially to hurry up and learn, maybe they’re sick of being my taxi drivers? Hahaha but what are mates for , if they’re not taxi drivers? Lol

If you can relate to this , or have some story you’d like to share with me about sitting your theory or practical test, leave a reply or comment, I’d love to hear from you 🙂