I have three assignments due this week. Have I started any of them? No. Did I go out the last two nights and frivolously shun my responsibilities? Yes. Did I complete the two assignments due the week just ended, yes. Did I have a ridiculously late night at any point as a result of due things? Of course! This time of year is hectic, and if it weren’t for my past selves savvy nature and my detailed notes on my wall planner, I would be lost!!

This mornings cure
A lot has happened in the last week. A lot will happen in the week to come. Is my bank account crying from recklessness, possibly. Is there four dollars on my hop card, absolutely. Have I brought that text book that I need for my exam, nope. Am I disappointed at the calibre of young men in my generation? Potentially.
There’s a lot I haven’t done.
And yes, it’s all catching up to me.
Here’s some honest truth: we start with high expectations that we will be preparation gurus, and we fall short gloriously. I never shun my work, I never cry over my desk, I keep it moving, but I could be doing better for myself.
Why am I telling you this? In hopes that you might be one of those magical people who can heed advice and will work to become a better organiser/non-procrastinator.
I gave a speech at my old school last week because I was asked to. They wanted to know how I became the person I am, and how I managed to do some of the things I have done so young. My main point was that nobody is inherently better than anybody else, there is only those who have the will to try. That’s the space of difference. Effort.
Here’s a challenge: the next time someone asks you to do something, or you get the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone. Answer: “why not? Sure”. So many cool things have been achieved in life by people who just decided to say yes.

I liked this and thought it rung true
Say yes to the date, to the workshop, to the essay, to the carnival, to the road trip, to the hike.
If you’ll excuse me, tonight I have to say yes to an essay proposal, due tomorrow! But first, I need some sleep after the last two nights of abandon (I blame the parents!).
I hope this week you learn to say yes to yourselves and others.

My best friend is my nieces swim instructor! Two favourite people in one place – AMAZING
Best wishes and good luck!