Hi wherever and whoever you may be,
Once again I am at home (real home not auckland home) its confusing now that I technically have two homes. If you’re reading this you may be thinking that University is just us going home all the time because it sure seems as though every time I write a blog I am at home or just returning! What a wonderful illusion that is. In reality I can assure you that it does not feel like that and by the time the break was approaching I was counting down the days till I would be at home and at the beach again.

Weather providing for us during the break
Mainly this was because the last two weeks were insanely busy. I had an essay due and a test on the last week. Since then I can’t really say life has got any less busy which you will find out should you choose to attend University. I have two 20% essays due within two weeks of the break. One of these is a behaviour modification assignment we are supposed to do for 4 weeks, and I also have a test the first day back. Yes the first day back…. That sounds bad but to be honest I am glad that I have more time to prepare for it because Medsci (the subject) is based on the different systems of the body and has sooooooooo much content.
The day I left Auckland it was open day and I woke up very very tired only to catch the lift in my pyjamas, with no shoes on and looking crazy to join the lift with a tour guide, parents, teachers and students (not the best lift ride I’ve had). But it brought back some memories, strange to think that was me only 365 days ago.
Thats all I have to say but as promised I figured out how to upload photos again (hooray) and have attached some snapshots of my latest antics from home, the winter gardens and mission bay. Side note the photos are all quite similar because my antics include going to the beach, watching sunsets on the beach, running on the beach (half marathon training has progressed to 16km) and eating food with friends.
You are more than welcome to comment any questions below. Until next time- goodbye.

Post test adventures to Devonport

Last day lunches