For probably just about all of us Disney movies have been a stalwart through a large part of our lives. So its natural that after six months at university some of those theme songs that permanently live in the recesses of our brains began to resonate quite strongly. With the end of semester one now behind us I found myself facing what would be the results of my exams and thinking about how my life had changed since college. And yes I came to realise much like Aladdin It’s A Whole New World In the beginning university was a very new experience, it wasn’t as extreme as a magic carpet ride but it took time to get use to the swing of things. But once the year had kicked off I didn’t look back and I was hopeful like Hercules that I could Go the Distance.

However the realities of being a student can’t be overlooked and a radical change in lifestyle meant the bank account was hit quite hard and the quote on quote “student life” is a thing. So there were times when I found myself in a Jungle Book situation living on the Bare Necessities of Life. But its times like this when you’re worried about money for food and deodorant, you learn quick to keep an eye on your hard earned cash, work hard and budget well so you have enough to survive and cover the Beer Necessities for your all important much needed social release.

And perhaps its on one of these nights out reflecting on exam results and things that could have been done better a little bit of Frozen can go a long way. So some exams might not have gone so well … believe me I know after experiencing nothing worse than sitting an exam and having a question come up that you no nothing about. So in order to move forward just Let it Go, Let it Go something like that I know. As Walt Disney himself once said “You may not realise it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you”.

So as Semester two kicks off don’t look at like its The Nightmare Before Christmas, don’t get Tangled up, try not to Wreck it Ralph keep your friends close, because its hard to do it The Lone Ranger, enjoy it and try not to overdo it and end up hitting a Wall-E, But most importantly “If you dream it you can do it

P.S. the photo was from our family holiday about three years ago, photo cred ‘my mum’