Today marks just over three weeks since my arrival in Auckland therefore three weeks since I started university. In that time, I have already read more than what I did throughout my high school years. As well as reading a whole lot more, I have also napped a whole lot more, which I didn’t think was possible. Who would have thought that a 500m walk to the lecture theater and staying up to 12am chatting with your floor would take it out of you that much.

So did I enjoy my first few weeks of lectures? I would say yes but what I enjoyed a whole lot more was the life of a first year beyond the books.

Party in the Park

Before I even moved to Auckland I had already bought tickets to Party in the Park, an event hosted by the AUSA. As you can guess it’s a party in the park. It wasn’t as lit as I had hoped because

1 – The line to get in took over 45 minutes
2 – It was raining
3 – Being 5ft4 in a mosh pit isn’t a fun experience
4 – It was on a Thursday so we had lectures the next day

However, we did get free fries, and any free food for a student is good food.

Sporting Events

Thankfully the university also hosts events that don’t cost a cent. Sporting events such as volleyball against AUT and dodgeball with other halls encourage a bit of healthy competition and fuel the already present rivalries. Floor Eight made it a floor activity to go and support (embarrass) a fellow floor member as they demolished AUT. Continuing the floor support, we also went to the dodgeball as four floor members were playing. (It’s a really talented, skilled and cool floor incase you didn’t click). Although we might not have won, we can walk away holding our heads high as our team played fair and by the rules. *Cough cheating wasn’t beneath some teams…. Two clap O cough*

A Surprise Birthday Party

 Often RA’s get a bit of a bad rep. When they kick you out at 10pm or tip your drinks down the sink, it’s not because they want to, it’s actually their job. Luckily for us we have never been in that position because our RA Tayla raised us so well that we don’t actually break the rules. Having an RA that you respect and enjoy having involved with your floor activities has been a reason why we don’t all hate Uni. So what do you do when you have an RA like that? Obviously throw them a surprise 21st birthday party!

P.S Look Sharp does number balloons filled with helium for only $10 each, literal bargain.

A Presidential Campaign

The American Presidential Campaign is a big deal, and the University Hall Presidential Campaign was no different. For the past week our floors have been invaded by overly-nice people asking what we want changed or being told what they can do for us. Our walls and elevators were filled with campaign posters, as well as the ground where the posters have been ripped to shreds by the opposition.

Fellow blogger Daniel’s campaign #chow4change was my pick, not just because of the floor loyalty, but who else had a poster where they were riding a tiger? Unfortunately for Uni Hall #chow4change didn’t become the new Obama but spending a week living amongst a political campaign is always better than just reading about it for your politics lecture at the dreaded 9am.
Being a student is about balance. Balance between saving and spending. Balance between salad and dessert and balance between studying and having fun. Without this balance, University would get the better of you so make sure you apply this to your life!

Until next time,