One week and 3 tests are what stands between me and 2 weeks of freedom. Freedom from multiple chapters to read a night, the 8am wake ups for politics lectures and the guilt of watching Netflix when I should be studying. In order to make it through this week (successfully I hope lol) organisation is key. Plus, getting organized is a great way to feel productive when you are actually just trying to avoid doing any legitimate work.
So here are my 5 top tips for organizing yourself Uni wise!!
1 – Know where your lectures are.
This tip applies to the first few weeks especially, but can also be applicable to the whole semester as you can become complacent and end up in the wrong building on the other side of campus with 2 minutes until your lecture starts. (definitely not from experience…). Take some time out at the beginning of the semester to walk around campus and find where both your lectures and tutorials are. To help with this, download a copy of the campus map onto your phone. This map will be a lifesaver as it stops you walking around looking like a typical lost first year and having to awkwardly ask people where you are.

2 – Daily, weekly and year planners
I would say that my planners have been the best purchase I have made organisation-wise. I suggest definitely getting a weekly planner, mine is from Kikki.K and on a Sunday night I write everything I have on that week as well as the readings I need to do. The wall planner is the second most helpful source of organisation. It was free in the bag you receive from signing up to the AUSA (only a $5 sign-up fee so do it). As soon as I found out the dates for my tests and assignments I wrote it up so I can get prepared asap. The daily planner that I got from Typo is currently sitting on my desk collecting dust. If you don’t rely on a diary now, this isn’t going to change when you get to Uni so save your money and don’t make this purchase.

3 – Timetable
Everyone always has their phone on them at all times so I suggest downloading your timetable onto your calendar. It makes it a whole lot easier than logging in to your student services every time you forget what time something is or where. To do this, log into student services, click my timetable, scroll to the bottom where it says “download your semester timetable” and follow the instructions. It’s as simple as that!
4 – Stationary
Pens, refill, highlighters, sticky-notes, scissors, tape, pins and blu tack. These items will become staples for you during the semester so either bring them with you or buy them asap.

5 – Readings
I’m not going to say readings are really fun and you look forward to them because that would be a lie. I’m also not going to say that if you don’t do them, there will be consequences as that is also a lie. University is not like high school where your teacher would lecture you about not doing your homework. Here it’s about being independent and if you don’t do it, then who really cares. Often the lecturer touches on all the important points in the readings and if you need you can always go back. So try not to miss doing the readings but if you do, it’s really not a big deal.

For me, being organised is one of the foundations for achieving highly so fingers crossed these tips not only work for me but for you also!
Until next time