Hey Guys! It’s me again! Soon, it’ll be halls applications, which I know can be a pretty scary time. I think they open in August and close in September! (Protip: Register as soon as you can! Try not to leave it to the last minute, and even apply to make sure you have backup options, if not for the bragging rights). Even if you don’t think you’ll go to that uni, it really dosen’t hurt to apply as it’s usually free (and you can probably copy and paste as you go 😉).
Choosing a Uni can be tough (although I was always gunning for UoA and hopefully you will be too!). However, choosing a place to live can be even harder. I thoroughly recommend you do a little bit of research or talk to friends before choosing a hall. It can be a big decision, and I think some residences may be more suitable and enjoyable then others (in my opinion anyway). But I thought I’d put in my 2 cents as to why you should choose University Hall, more specifically University Hall Apartments!
My Application : I’ll be the first to admit, that I did choose University Hall Towers, however I did not get in. I remember getting my email, and feeling so downcast while others had gotten into UHT or into their preferred hall. I was even more sad, when I couldn’t even make it onto the UHT waitlist! I did however get onto the O’Rorke waitlist, but Nekt Minute changed to University Hall Apartments 🙂
I can honestly say, I did not regret it one bit. University Hall Apartments has given me the independence, yet also support and inclusiveness which is more then I could ask for. Now, I’m not going to bash UH because I’m salty or sad, but I will say, that life here in UHA is pretty sweet, and it’s nice to walk past people when they have to wait for the elevator heh heh.
University Hall Apartments :University Hall Apartments is home to 106 students, and is arranged into flats, on 5 different levels. Like the other halls, we also offer alcohol free flats, and some flats are also all female (although I’m not sure if that was intentional). However, what makes UHA so special, is that right across the road, is the orange chicken called UH. I’ll admit it’s really nice up there, but it just dosen’t give the same chill and family vibes we get here.
Because we’re arranged in an appartment style complex, I think we have more chances to socialise. Whether it’s just going across the road, walking up the stairs, or moving to the common room, we’re always bumping into people. There’s also some fun events, just for UHA people as well, which makes it even more special. Below are pictures from the UHA BBQ and the Mad Tea Party (while watching the game between Utah Jazz and Oklahoma City Thunder)!
UHA is kind of like Hannah Montana where it get’s the best of both worlds. It’s a close knit community of 107 people (with washing machines on every floor 😉 ), but also it’s part of the 400 University Hall community as well. It may be surprising to some, but yes, we are also catered too!! The rooms are also pretty big, I’d say about the same size as Towers (although it does depend on where you’re situated). Personally, I’d prefer being in a room in apartments compared to if you were on the lower floors in towers and situated near the garbage bins…..
So for all those UH people who haven’t figured why we’re there everyday, it’s because, we just really love the food (especially the brunch on Saturday and Sunday) and also because we’re catered (every though we have a kitchen, utensils, fridge, oven, stove, microwave and toaster). We also share the same benefits of going to mentoring, and doing all the fun Uni Hall events, such as the Cocktail party, the University Hall Ball and the Colour Carnival! And also get to share the same facilities, such as the study room and common room. Personally, I found it really surprising that a lot of UHT residents don’t realise we’re there 😂

The recent UH End of Semester Cocktail party, with fellow bloggers! 🙂
Also, in regards to cost (because yes, you’ll face the dilemma whether to get uber eats or get sensational chicken), you can save $38 a fortnight! Which can come in handy, especially when you’ve managed to spend $17.50 on highlighters in UBIQ (Sorry mum and dad). Also, once you’re properly settled in, you’ll feel like you’re part of the UH community, and it honestly won’t matter whether you’re in UHA or UHT. Because after all,when you’re literally 10 seconds away from each other, and can communicate via sticky notes on windows or like in that Taylor Swift song (:
Anyway, if you have questions ask away below 🙂
Disclaimer: I am thoroughly biased. UH(both apartments and towers) is certainly the best (no two clap needed here 😏)
Hello, so I managed to get into UHA, which was what I wanted, and I also found out that some of my friends that I know from a Science and Technology Forum (NERD CAMP) are also in the same residence hall. My question is do the friends you know at the beginning usually change once you’re actually settled in?
I was also wondering what the storage in a UHA room was like.
Thank you so much for the blog post. 😊
For me personally, I’ve definitely have friends that have come and gone, but for heaps of others, I’ve seen them still be friends even after high school.
I’ve made some really great friends after settling in, just because as you get more comfortable, people tend to sit in different places and meet new people instead of just sitting with their floor for most of the time (although some people still do that).
Storage at UHA is pretty great, depending on your room, you should have enough space for everything (also, we get a huge fridge and kitchen area as well as own common room space between 4, so you can always put any additional stuff there).
I’m sure you’ll love UHA 🙂
Is University Hall considered the party hall compared to the other halls of residence? And how many bathrooms on each floor? I’m trying to decide which hall to go into next year so advice would be appreciated :))
Hi there! I would say O’Rorke would probably the party hall (although UH a close second). In UHT there are 4 bathrooms (each with 2 showers and 2 toilets). Whatever hall you choose, you get out of it what you put in. Good luck!
Yeah, Im wondering the same thing. I am looking into going to University Hall, but am I quiet person who (contrary to many people) likes to study 🙂
I was wondering if O’Rorke has always been known as the party hall (or if it’s changed each year because of the new people coming) and if that has an impact on study (is it always loud?). I applied for O’Rorke not knowing that it, in fact, was known for being a party hall (whoops). Not that I mind but I’d just like to know.
Thanks 🙂
Hey Lauren! I’m not from O’Rorke so I could be completely misinformed. But generally, all the halls in Auckland have kind of the same academic-orientated vibe.
O’Rorke just has more of a reputation for drinking, however, there are definitely some parts where it can be really quiet and studious (in fact, when I last visited they had a congratulatory semester 1 high achievers poster thingy, wow). O’Rorke can definitely be a very studious hall, and the noise will definitely die down after the first few weeks after semester has started. 🙂
Hi Alexia! I know hall applications have probably closed, but just incase anyone else was wondering…
Although I don’t live at University Hall towers, it suits a wide range of personalities. I know some parts of the floors, where it’s really quite and can be a bit antisocial while some other floors, can get really rowdy.
My advice would be to pick an alcohol free floor, because it’ll definitely be a study orientated floor and generally people who go there are study orientated (and probably quiet as well!).
Question – does it feel like you’re outside of the UHT scene, eg at functions and when socialising at meal times or whatever? Like do you guys feel as involved as the UHT people in those situations, or if you are a bit disconnected from them, why do you prefer it that way?
Hey! In the first few weeks it might feel a bit weird (just because everyone sits in their floors and stuff), but soon it really dosen’t matter because everyone just mixes around. The only time there has been seperate events from UHT was at the start with the formal dinner (and that was only because they couldn’t fit all of us in there at one time). In all honesty,UHA has more of it’s own events and are probably more involved with hallwide events. There’s literally no difference, apart from sleeping 50 meters away 🙂 Come to UHA (or at least UH🙂)!!