As promised by yours truly in the video above – the ending audio of which keeps being removed from the video when I upload it, but which would’ve just contained an “and I’ll catch you next time – bye!” – here’s a more logistical perspective of things to think about if you’re thinking of doing Summer School. Obviously, it doesn’t fit with everyone’s degree plan, as some faculties have more limited options than others, but nevertheless –
1. Housing
Where are you going to live during the summer? Is your family based in Auckland, or do you have a flat lined up already for the following academic year? You could stay in university accommodation, perhaps, as some of my friends have, or you could secure a sublet from somebody you know and trust! I had a flat to myself in a primo location, courtesy of somebody I actually met through the Inside Word back in the day, funnily enough! Not gonna say who it is in case they’re not comfortable with that/I mention something one day that makes their address too obvious/safety concerns etc., but it was an absolute dream of a place and a total haven for the six weeks I stayed there. Goes to show a well-timed shout into the Facebook void can work wonders!
2. Preparation
Summer School moves quickly. It’s the nature of the beast. For that reason, I’d recommend reading anything you’re required to read prior to the beginning of classes. In my case, it was a reread of The Iliad, The Aeneid, and also The Hobbit and the entirety of The Lord of the Rings, which – y’know – isn’t something you do in an afternoon. Get ahead of the game and your life will be a whole lot easier!

I spend my life flitting between fixations, so here’s a Valentine’s Day card I made to illustrate the one that dominated Summer School: Andy-Serkis-as-Smeagol singing the Forbidden Pool fish song. You’re welcome.
3. Planning the Fit
No, I don’t mean your outfit, although feel free to bust out killer looks in those lecture halls whenever you want, mate – I mean how will these courses fit within the shape of your degree? Are they necessary for your majors? Do they leave you with an awkward timetable for other semesters, or a fantastic one? Can you cut out an entire semester if you do two years of Summer School and play your cards right? You can do a maximum of two papers per Summer School semester, which will get you 30 points before your mates are even back in town. That’s awesome – so make it count!
If you’ve got any other Summer School questions or if there’s anything I haven’t quite covered that you can’t find on the UoA website itself, feel free to chuck a comment down below!