“You lot are always on holidays”, “do you even get any work done”, “just wait till you are in the real world”. All statements I have heard my whole life from unfortunate souls who are in full-time employment whilst I’m living the ‘best days of my life’ in the educational world. At high school, I felt the time we had for holidays was just right, a few weeks off here and there and a solid two months come summer. That was literally nothing compared to the break between first year and second year. A whole four months of what I thought I would be pure bliss, but in reality, consisted of work to afford my rent this year (love you Briscoes x), letting my liver recover from a wild first year and something I found surprising, a desire to go back to Uni. That sounds like my summer was a disappointment but that’s far from the truth. I had a great summer with all my hometown friends, attended some good festivals and trips, reunited with my dog and had homecooked meals (after a year of flame-tree I don’t need to explain why homecooked meals is included in the highlights) but it reached the point where I was ready to come back and thankfully the 4 month break remained just that, a break and not a full time hiatus. Maybe the break is so long so people actually want to come back and study?

That’s right everybody, I’m back again!!! I just loved first year way too much to not give second year a whirl, plus I kind of want a degree so it was important to return. Even better, I have also made a return to the Inside Word which means I can continue documenting my year for you all and hopefully make your transition easier or answer any burning questions you have.

All my content from last year is still on the page under 2018 if you wanted to check it but to make it a whole lot easier for you here is a simple rundown about me!! I am originally from Napier where I went to Sacred Heart, was a proud floor eight fire lit member in University Towers last year and a first-year law and arts student. My hobbies last year tended to be watching lecture recordings because I slept a lot, entering every competition to win free things and spending more time at shadows a week than I had spent at university. But hey, I’m back so I must have done something right.

I’m now a whole 5 months older and wiser, living in Carlaw Park student village where I’m successfully managing to feed myself, have two part-time jobs whilst being a second-year law and arts student majoring in politics and criminology!!! If it doesn’t translate into text, I am pretty stoked about getting into second year law and if you are a first year reading this, who is already stressed, honestly don’t be, just relax and know your stuff and you will be alg. (P.S you don’t have to give up your social life either to get in, trust me.)

I’m obviously still learning about how to be a functioning adult and Uni student at the same time, but that is what makes life fun and interesting. All the things I learn while trying to do this, I can’t wait to share with you! Whether it be about time management, cooking, budgeting, or trying to balance that work, study and social life aspect, I’ll be sharing it with you so ask any questions and come along for this lil second year journey with me.
-Amy x