The very last test/exam season of the year is upon us! I attempt to de-stress before my test with some exercise, sunshine (and rain), and yum treats.
by Sonna Narayanan | Oct 21, 2019 | Inside Word 2019, Medical & Health Sciences | 4 comments

Thanks so much for the reply!
Also, do you think you can do a run through of the modules please? What is the emphasis? The schools I have come across emphasised on research. Is it the same here? What’s unique with UOA?
Hi! Just a random question – how long before will you hear back from the school after the interview?
The interviewer said 2 weeks. Will it really take 2 weeks?
Late December as per website
Hiya, The interviews are held in the last week of November, and you will hear back before Christmas for sure – so around 3-4 weeks!