Hello! I’m Junius, a second-year medical student. During the lockdown, we had the opportunity to attend the Australasian Students’ Surgical Conference (ASSC). It was completely online and did not cost us anything to attend! We listened to inspiring stories from world-renown surgeons. As medical students, we sometimes get the opportunity to attend conferences such as ASSC. Having insights into what the profession is like and listening to doctors who are in places where we want to be a few years down the road is such an amazing opportunity.
My First Conference in Medical School (Australasian Students’ Surgical Conference). Vlog
by Junius Ong | Aug 14, 2020 | Education, Inside Word 2020, Medical & Health Sciences, Science | 2 comments

Hi Junius,
Nice video! Really looking forward to your future blog posts.
I’m a year 13 in high school. I want to prepare for the UCAT now, what resources did you use to study?
Thank you! My friends and I used Medify. We’re not sponsored but we believed it was worth the money. Also, we used the free practice questions on the official UCAT website 🙂 I’ll put the link below.