Tap. Tap Tap. Tap Tap Tap. Tap.
You hear that?
no because its words
That’s the sound of my fingers, tapping that backspace key like a tap-tap music game. Yes, I’ve got writers block, before even my first post of 2020.
So, let’s play it safe and start off with an introduction. Hi guys, I’m Cecilia for those of you who don’t know me. (I’m hard to miss since I spammed the blog trying to meet our quota for last year.) I’ve been a blogger for the Inside Word since 2018 and I’m now a third-year student studying a Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Engineering conjoint.
I’m not feeling the most inspired right now, so, I thought I’d make a tongue-in-cheek post about the times I feel uninspired, or have to make hard choices at uni, in hopes that it’s the sort of interesting and relatable content that you’re after 😉.
- Deciding where to sit in the lecture theatre
A few factors decide where I sit in a lecture theatre. Which door I enter through, how small the lecture notes are (my eyesight is shockingly poor even with glasses), how late I am, and how many people are in the class. Something that I personally dislike is having someone sitting directly behind me in a small lecture theatre. As strange as it sounds, I can physically feel their presence and it’s not the best feeling especially when they talk or type loudly.
- Having to decide between splurging on nice sushi or saving money with the sushi of the day.
Would UoA even be UoA without Starbucks, Subway and St Pierre’s on Symonds? I have this dilemma every time I’ve walked into St Pierre’s and let me tell you, I’ve only ever decided to splurge once 🤷🏻, not sure if that says anything about my personality other than being a broke uni student. Subway on the other hand is a different story.
- Being truly lost about your career path.
If you told Year 13 Cecilia, she would be studying Engineering Science, Accounting and Information Systems, she would choke on her chocolate calci yum (not calci strong). My point isn’t that that calci yum is 10 x better than calci strong (although I would agree with this statement). Rather, I’m saying that plans change over time, especially major life plans involving your future. Whether you’re in high school, first year, or even final year, try viewing it as ‘actively exploring career options and keeping an open mind’, because it honestly is.
- Deciding whether to go to class when you haven’t caught up on the last one lecture.
I started writing this blog before Level 3 so I guess it doesn’t really apply anymore. A lockdown version of this is wondering whether I should tackle the lecture recordings by order of the week, or by subject. I guess I’ll have to decide tomorrow when I actually start watching them 🙃.
- Stressing out about life, and then feeling more stressed because you wasted time feeling stressed, then taking a break because you’re feeling stressed and then feeling more stressed because you could’ve done work in the time that you took taking a break…and then going to take a break again because you’re stressed again…
At this point, I’m just a blob of stress.

Do you ever just feel like a paper towel lying on the floor? That was my mood last week. On the other hand, isn’t this such a high-quality shot? Not at all the type of art work you would expect to emerge from lockdown.
Writing this blog has made me realise 2 things: 1) I’m not feeling my best right now 2) I should probably do something about that. Times are tough, and I know a lot of you guys (including me, clearly) are feeling quite overwhelmed, but instead of sitting back and letting the vicious cycle continue, lets break it together. Food. Fitness. Sleep. You already know what you need to do without me saying it. In case you don’t, stay tuned, there will be another blog coming soon 😉. This blog was a mess, but hey, hopefully it was entertaining.
See you in the next one.