When we apply for uni, we all have that image that we’re going to be learning things we really care about from environmental sciences, business management, media and communication, law, etc. But since starting uni, I’ve learnt there is so much more we can do rather than just sitting around, writing essays, attending classes and taking part in the clubs.

I wrote this last year when I’d just finished my second year. This is what I did in my degree in the first two years I was here:

  • Made AMAZING friends with people from different majors and faculties.
  • Attended a workshop with The Book of Mormon musical (just before the first lockdown).
  • Questioned the Minister of Immigration, Kris Faafoi, about the border exemption criteria during the on-going pandemic.
  • Created my own comic.
  • Created a social media campaign tackling toxic masculinity.
  • Proposed a marketing campaign to Genesis Energy in order to engage with an existing audience and how to branch out.
  • Made connections with people in the industry I want to work in.
  • Submitted an essay to get published in the Faculty of Arts’ magazine, Interesting Journal.

So there you go! Even though I’m not finished yet, in just two years I have done more than just writing essays and spent hours in the library studying. I have engaged with a community, I’ve maintained my creativity in a career field I want to go into and most importantly and I have tested myself in ways no assignment can.

University is a journey which is worth it. You enjoy it a lot more than regular school. You study what you care about and you have so much fun throughout your time (maybe not when we’re in lockdown, but no one likes those). Come to the University of Auckland, I guarantee, you’ll love it.